Movement researcher, educator, artist

Inhabiting Borders

Inhabiting my borders

What are the borders that contain us?

How do we perceive their existence? Where are they coming from?

How do we inhabit our borders? Can we move them, mold them, transform them?

This is an invitation to notice, study and explore what can constitute our borders and boundaries.

This is an invitation to perceive borders in our body, in our character, our relationships, our physical space, our community and sense of belonging, among others.

This is an invitation to explore our borders. And move them.










Trace the space that your body occupies

Move the space that your body occupies

Take the space that your body occupies to fill other spaces. Spaces that are impossible, strange, improbable, transgressive, imaginary…



Identify boundaries that contain you

In your body;

In your room/house;

Around your house;

Non-immediate boundaries

Intervene those boundaries;

 Make them into a place for you to rest and play

  • Transect them with the space that your body occupies

  • Fold them, cut them, wrinkle them

  • Move intensively inside and across them