Movement researcher, educator, artist


Teaching - making




My work uses embodied practice as ground for my thinking and making

I work through the arts to investigate and unsettle pedagogical practices and curricular trends in formal and non-formal learning spaces. This practice has enabled me to actively intervene some of the most common spaces where exclusion and stigmatization are reproduced: the educational system. I approach arts practices—in particular, the embodied and relational characteristics of contemporary and conceptual art, socially engaged art, performance, and dance—, as methods through which I can investigate and disrupt systematic practices of ‘othering’ within and outside academia.  These arts-based methods as my pedagogical lens are the move (or “Movida” as chicana feminists describe feminist participation in political action) that I seek to continuously enact alongside students and participants.




Approaches to art teaching and making in higher education

I ‘make’ workshops. This part of my academic and artistic practice. Take a look at some of them!