Movement researcher, educator, artist
String FiguringBanner2.jpg


 Process in String Figuring

 What you see on String Figuring’s emergent site ( is a curated and composed version of the many voices, folds, and movements that were part of String Figuring. However, beyond this web piece, the project was about our encounters, conversations, questions, efforts to meet and move, and participants’ histories and voices. Process and its forms matter. It is how we make things unfold in the world and the ethics and politics through which our work exists. For that reason, I invite you to explore some of the unprocessed materials as produced by participants and note of our process.  

Making this process page part of our piece, enacts String Figuring as a commitment to prioritizing relationality, learning, and the unpolished part of making-with, beyond concrete products. Process—the materials of our practice, our correspondence, my struggles in planning and facilitating—is as part of the work as what exists as the final piece. I offer this space to witness our process because String Figuring was about our encounters, conversations, questions, efforts to meet and move, and participants’ histories and voices, not about making a single final project. 

Paying attention to the form through which String Figuring’s forms emerge, this space presents some of the unprocessed materials enabling String Figuring in its online and written versions.

 I invite you to witness and explore the many traces that document our four-month-long practice in their many formats.  The Padlet boards you find here include participants’ original work, and traces of our conversations. There are four Padlet boards, one per each digital score, and one board for documentation of the two fabric companions of the scores. You will also find some of my notes in planning and facilitating, which are also fundamental to the experience of String Figuring that you find now.

 Next you will l find: 

  • The Padlet Boards where participants of String Figuring “met” asynchronously to share our creative responses: The Padlet boards you find here include participants’ original work, and traces of our conversations. There are four Padlet boards, one per each digital score, and one board for documentation of the two fabric companions of the scores.

  • Key planning notes about my facilitation

  • Some correspondence showing how I held space for people

  • Key reflection notes I wrote form our process. 

Participants have authorized publishing their original contributions to the work. I invite you to witness and explore the many traces that document our four-month-long practice in their many formats.

Click on each image to visit a copy of the Padlets where String Figuring participants explored the porject’s scores, shared their creative responses, and witnessed others’ work.